Wednesday, January 20, 2010

(If you are new to this Blog, start at the bottom) Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities

The host

Host's Responsibilities

1. Invite four to twelve friends that you feel would be interested in meeting your missionary friend. Invite them by sending a written invitation such as:

Celebrating What God is Doing for the Bibleless Peoples

You are cordially invited to an informal evening with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Jim and Judy McCabe

March 5 at 6:3O p.m.

at the home of Danny & Doris East

1255 Hoover St

A potluck meal is planned. Danny or Doris will contact you.

The evening will include:

A brief talk about Wycliffe's work in West Africa,

an interactive demonstration showing the importance of Bible translation,

and a question and answer time.

Opportunities for your involvement in missions as a Wycliffe missionary and/or involvement through partnership with Jim and Judy will be presented

We will call you in a couple days.

2. Follow up the invitation with a personal contact to see if they plan to come. Plan a potluck meal so that everyone invited participates by bringing something.
A potluck provides a warm social atmosphere where everyone feels a part of the
group and allows them to get to know each other. During the follow-up call you can work out their part in the potluck.

3. If your friends are not the potluck type, or the situation dictates that a potluck won’t work we will be happy to pay for the meal. Just let us know.

4. Introduce the missionary to the group. Tell something about how you came to know your friends and why you feel it's important for their friends to become acquainted with Wycliffe and this missionary. If you are a prayer or financial part­ner, it's helpful to tell what this involvement means to you.

Your friends will be inspired by what God is doing. They'll gain a better understanding of missions and the role of Bible translation. They’ll enjoy fellowship with friends and the opportunity to make new friends.

Everyone feels the need to be involved in something worthwhile and of eternal value. Some of your friends may have wanted involvement but haven't known how.

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