Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Dinner Party (Ways you can help)

If you enjoy getting together with friends, we have a GREAT reason for you to do it. Just edit the below letter and send it to several of your friends.

Dear Danny & Doris, February 16, 2010

In a couple of weeks, March 1-6, we'll be in Escondido for a memorial service and to visit some of our friends and relatives. Judy and I would enjoy visiting with you. We had a good time when you and the Tustisons were here in December.

You'll probably remember from our last newsletter that we still have a way to go to reach the monthly budget figure that Wycliffe set for us. In fact we can't start our assignment until our financial team is complete. With Wycliffe needing to bring in 7,000 new members by 2014 in order to continue the pace of Bible translation, we really need to get on board with our Mobilization team, our future role, which will carry the bulk of recruiting.

We are grateful that friends like you have been faithful prayer part­ners with us. Others have joined our team and for that we are grateful. But we still need to see the Lord provide more partners. We're asking a few friends to consider helping us in a different and special way—by hosting a home meeting.

It can be a potluck or bar-b-q where you invite a few of your acquaintances to your home for a “Window on Wycliffe”. This will give you the chance to introduce us, and we'll have an opportunity to meet these friends and present the challenge of Bible translation. We would like to talk about Wycliffe's Vision 2025, the exciting things God has done since starting the vision, the many opportunities for others to serve as missionaries with Wycliffe, and we'd like to explain how individuals, families, and churches can be partners in our ministry.

Danny & Doris, would you consider doing something like this?

An outline of what the meeting might be like is enclosed. We want you to see what we would do and some of the things you might do so you can pray about it and decide if you're comfortable with this idea.

One of us will call in a week to see how you feel about this. You might have another idea you would like us to try. We're open to almost anything. Would you put our trip and our need for more partners on your prayer list?

Your friends,

Jim & Judy

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