Tuesday, March 15, 2011

McCabes March, 2011 update

March 2011

Three months into the New Year and Jim’s new ministry we find ourselves more thankful than ever. Jim is now full time as Wycliffe Mountain Vista Retirement apartment manager. He’s thoroughly enjoying the job and the residents are appreciating his care for them. In February one of the residence tripped over an uneven sidewalk. Jim immediately rented a concrete planer and smoothed down all the bad spots. God is watching out for these dear fellow missionaries. Thank you for your prayers and support which allow Jim to do this. Pray for wisdom as he carries on his many responsibilities.

Judy is back to her role as the only recruiter in Arizona. It’s a daunting task for her and she gets discouraged at times. But she is thankful that she is seeing many more contacting Wycliffe, asking about how to get involved, so she has been very busy since January. Pray for all those who are seeking God’s will for their lives. Check out, http://wycliffe.org to find out where you too can serve Him in missions. Pray also for an event this Saturday, March 19, called Mission Aviation Day, near Tucson. We will be manning booths for Wycliffe and JAARS. (It is similar to the Missions at the Airport we did when we first moved here).

In November Jim read the book, “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge. In Jim’s current season of life its been a great encouragement to him. He went to the website (www.ransomedheart.com) and found a men’s retreat offered that really sounded good to him. (an excerpt from the website) In order for a man to get his heart back, he’s got to take a journey, one that involves risk, danger, and a point of no return. Through teaching sessions that go deep into the message of Wild at Heart, guided times of personal reflection, and optional adventures, Boot Camp is more than a retreat – it is an expedition of the heart. You will never be the same.

One morning in early January, after expressing to God he’d really like to go and asking God to provide the financing if he was to go to this event, God did a God thing. Jim called Judy from work later that morning and out of the blue Judy said one of our regular donors sent in a very large extra gift. She asked if Jim knew why…they both agreed, this was the answer to Jim’s prayer. God is good and Jim went to the Wild at Heart Boot Camp. It was an extraordinary spiritual adventure for him, one that keeps bearing much fruit in his life and spilling over to others. Isn’t that how God designed it to be?

Our first grandchild, Violette Elizabeth Depp is doing well. Jody and Caleb are typically tired and always learning young parents. Pray for them. Please pray for Caleb’s sister Martha who is nearing the end of her battle with ovarian cancer and nearing the door to the best life ever. But, it’s been very difficult on all of her family especially her parents who have been her care givers for her last days. Her brother Ben and Jody set up a place to purchase some of her art. They are incredible. The proceeds go towards Doctors without Borders and Arts for Life. http://www.etsy.com/shop/MarthaDepp?ref=pr_shop_more.

Josh is in his last semester of college, due to graduate in May. He came out for spring break and it was great to just hang out with him. Pray for him that he will finish well. Jordan graduated in December and is a certified fire fighter and looking for a full time job in that field. He has a reserve job in a small town near Wilcox once he takes his national EMT test.

Thanks you again for your partnership, prayers, finical support and just being our friends,

Jim and Judy McCabe

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