Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gods leading seems awfully strage sometimes...

House on a hill...

We looked at a home up the hill from us well over a year ago. It needs a lot of work. It was a foreclosure. Hasn't been lived in for about two years now, not abused, just empty. It went off the market before we did anything about it and just sat. We forgot about it. We really thought we were going back overseas shortly.

This last February it went back on the market for well under half its previous asking price. We prayed and God gave us a peace about making an offer on it. With the message that its not just for us. He wants to bless us so we can be a blessing. No more explanation. Blessed to be a blessing, that's all. He'll let us know the specifics of what that means down the road.

Our offer was accepted, we start the ten day inspection period now. If anything tragic comes up we can back away no problem. So far its obvious it will need a lot of work, but I (Jim) love the idea of whats possible. Its going to be exciting.  Pray with us for Gods will.

Blessed to be a blessing... what does it mean in relation to this house???,-110.886716&spn=0.002216,0.004329&t=h&z=18

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