Monday, November 1, 2010

God is at Work to Reach the Last Languages

In 1999, Wycliffe Bible Translators looked at the enormity of the remaining Bible translation task and realized that if we were to see a translation started in every language needing one in this generation, we had to make some changes. Working with a renewed sense of urgency and forming new partnerships and using new strategies, Wycliffe has seen the greatest acceleration of translation in history. Bible translation projects beginning and being completed go far beyond Wycliffe’s expectations.

Communities requiring a Bible translation are decreasing for the first time ever. But there are still around 2,200 language communities needing a translation of the Bible in a language and form best suited for them. With God’s favor, this generation will see the fulfillment of Vision 2025—a Bible translation started for every language that needs it by the year 2025.

Thank God for all the partners globally praying and supporting this renewed effort. It has made and will continue to make a huge difference. Check out the website for ways you can help.

Significant Update!

As you all know, we were planning to move to a new assignment in Chad, Africa, when a critical need for a manager came up at Mt. Vista, the missionary retirement apartments in Tucson. Wycliffe requires that we have 100% of our financial partnership before releasing us to begin that assignment. Since the beginning of the year, Jim has been presenting this to churches and individuals, trusting God to lead some to partner with us in support of the work of Bible translation globally. We have seen our average monthly support grow from 74% to 93%! We are thrilled to have new partners that God has led to join us and we give Him the praise for doing this in the present economy.

When the former managers of Mt. Vista left for their new assignment in May, there was an obvious vacancy that the retirees at Mt Vista have keenly felt. Another Wycliffe couple stepped in for a couple months during the summer, but since the beginning of August no on-site manager has been there to see to the needs of the residents and the facility. This need has weighed heavy on us and the residents, but since our partnership team was not complete we were not released to give them assistance.

After nine months of focus on partnership development (PD), we were feeling frustrated with the situation. We asked our supervisor if Jim could serve part time at Mt. Vista while continuing to build our support team. After some negotiating, they agreed that Jim could serve part-time (20 hours a week) at the Tucson retirement facility for the next three months (now through December) while both of us continue part-time with PD.

This decision is such a relief for the residents and Jim.  Our personnel supervisor wants you to know that our long-term plans are to still take a Chad-based assignment, but the critical need here is one that Jim can fill for 12 to 16 months. However, if our full support for this assignment does not come in by December 31, 2010, we will not be able to be a part of filling this need. Instead we will begin to prepare to leave for Chad the later part 2011. We hate to see this happen as the facility will be left again with no on-site manager. The personnel director of the Chad branch understands our situation and is willing to delay the start of our assignment in Chad in order to fill this current critical need. If you have been praying about joining our team, now is a good time to begin.
We look forward to the day we can serve full time with coworkers who are translating for those who don’t have access to the Word in their heart language.

Recruitment Corner by Judy

Thanks for your prayers for the five recruits I was encouraging who were building their partnership teams. Please continue praying for them as they serve in the places God has led them.

In September, Jason and Kari Diller arrived in SE Asia, Mark and Jessica Spangler left for French language study in France, and Amy Evers finished her ICC (Intercultural Communications Course) and is awaiting her visa for Papua New Guinea. Alisha Carr is a new candidate; she is praying for God’s leading in three possible assignment choices.

I am still the only resident recruiter in Arizona, so please pray for more to join with me to do this vital work. “The harvest needs more workers, so keep praying.” Matt. 9:38

Thank You Again!

You are an invaluable part of the team transforming lives through Bible Translation.

Jim & Judy

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