Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Partners with Purpose on Giving Tuesday

That is how we see you. By teaming with us you have purposed to support the work of getting the “Good News” into all the languages of the world so they can also know and believe in our Lord Jesus.  Thanks so much for all you do towards that purpose whether prayer, encouragement, giving to us or the work and projects of Wycliffe.

Today is Giving Tuesday.  If you have ever given you have probably received the email from Wycliffe about their gift catalog.  We saw some great projects to support, but didn’t see some specific ones for Chad. So if you want to help Chad here are some ideas: 

1.)Administration Capacity Building:
Some upper management positions are held by Chadians who have a vision for Bible accessibility for their people. Their salaries are paid by us, the members of this branch.  This year the fund is short.

2.)Kara Famine relief:
This language group has very little land to grow crops on and for years now have suffered greatly. They have the NT and are very dedicated to literacy and finishing the OT.

3.)Upgrading our office computers:
Some of them are dinosaurs and need replacing. When mine chugs along it sounds like it is going up a the steep grade...I get worried.

4. Training projects:
From September through March we do training of nationals in translation and literacy principles and also computer and finances; all to the end goal of accessibility to God’s living Words. This year those courses are underfunded and so we have had to cancel some.

5. Jim and Judy McCabe:
We lost six regular supporters during these past two years overseas. Two of our long term supporters graduated to heaven this year, some are getting older and just need to pull back financially and some just had to stop giving. So, we are a bit low on regular support. God has made up for it with several special gifts. He is good! But, we love consistent team members. Pray for a few new supporters to join our team.

To mail your gift in support of a project or missionary ministry, please make your check payable to Wycliffe Bible Translators and send to:

Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200

To indicate the specific project or missionary ministry you would like to support, include a note (on a separate sheet of paper) stating the name of the project or missionary and the amount you are giving.
Or to give electronically please go to:

Get all the details there. 

Thanks so much!
Jim and Judy McCabe

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