Monday, May 21, 2012

1992 and 2012
Back in 1992 Jim went to Chad with a co-worker.  Jim's on the right, with the the long pants on. He's helping a translator get set up in his new language village, near Mongo. Below, the translator was offered a two room brick building to make into his families home.
We knocked a doorway thru the back wall of the building to build on a screened in outdoor room. A nice place with shade and a possibility for a breeze. Too hot to sleep indoors spring and summer. 
It's amazing to think that some of these kids are now moms and dads, farmers and herdsmen, maybe even pastors and Bible translators.
The red barrels were the first water system we built. A gravity flow into the kitchen sink. It was filled each morning by the local women. They were paid for each bucket of water dumped into them.

Fast forward to Wednesday, May 17th, 2012, 20 years later, I'm helping to receive boxes of New Testaments printed for the first time in 3 of the languages in Chad. Its a long process to get God's Word accurately translated into the language and culture of the local people. (I'm wearing the wide brimmed hat)
Everyone helped unload and were happy for their arrival. Thanks to so many of you, who have prayed for us, the work we have been called to, and have helped in so many different ways to make this day a reality.  Its a pleasure to be here on the front lines along with you.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that's what it's all about - getting God's Word to the people in a language that speaks best to their hearts and then watching God transform their lives. Exciting stuff!! Mickey Williams
