Saturday, March 10, 2012

My domestic adventures

We have been here just over a week now. Each day I learn more new "domestic" practices or relearn old ones from our time in Cameroon. Yesterday it was making yogurt from a starter. My "teacher" is the director's wife whom we were with in French language study in Brussels in the early 90's. She has been in the country 20 years now, so very experienced. It all came back to me as she performed the various steps. And this morning we enjoyed with fond memories a yummy, thick yogurt, like the Greek yogurt so popular in the States right now .

Today I ventured to use the feared "pressure cooker". ( Memories of my bean blow-up in Cameroon always has me anxious.) So first the fresh green beans. That went well though they got a little mushy. Won't cook them quite so long time next time. Then to the meat. We buy beef fillet for they are less tough. These are wild west style cattle, not feed lot. They spend their lives walking to find food. We didn't eat them tonight since we got an impromptu dinner invite. So I will let you know how it taste tomorrow when I write about my next domestic adventure.  The whole process of cooking the beans and meat took around and hour.

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