Friday, December 2, 2011

   Snow in Tucson? Just might happen...  Rained and snizzelled all day. On another note, as we sit here watching, "Elf", I figured I'd better update our Blog. Judy and I went to the Tucson health department today and got most of our shots needed for Chad. We have the sore arm syndrome tonight.
   Also today, Jordan was able to get some coaching on doing interviews for getting a fire fighters job. We have the hope that Jordan will be able to secure a full time fire fighters job and then be able to rent our home while we are in Chad.
   We got word today from Josh that he passed all his tests and was officially hired to teach English to Korean elementary kids. He took a bus to his work location on the southern most tip of south Korea. He arrived at his new home and is exhausted. Check out his blog at  
   We spent Thanksgiving in Escondido, CA at Judy's folks home. Many of you know Judy's mom had a bad fall several weeks ago. She smacked her forehead, cracked her pelvic bone and some ribs, which are still very sore. Otherwise she is healing up well. It'll be mid January before the Doc will let her travel. They might come and visit us then.
   Work on the house is going very slow. This past semester we have been incredibly busy. A two evening a week French language class with way too much homework. Jim lead a study on marriage for their small group. He used a John Eldredge book, "Love and War" It was a great study. Jim also has been having a chronic lower back issue and has been going to the gym twice a week trying to get some relief. Plus a full work schedule and all that's involved in getting ready for going to Chad. (News Letter due out shortly) We have a short list of things that really need to be done on the house before we leave... so come visit over the Holiday's, after Dec 15, (schools over, studies over, break from work) bring some work clothes, it'll be fun.

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