Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Been too long sense I made an update! So sorry.

Jim and Judy have worked in support services for Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1984. They have worked in Cameroon, Africa, JAARS North Carolina, and presently they are working in Tucson Arizona. Jim is the manager and does facilities maintenance for Wycliffe’s Mt Vista Retirement Apartments. There are 17 units. Having someone there to make sure all the systems are running, and bills are paid is a blessing to these long time workers. Judy has been doing recruiting for Wycliffe US since 2006. She has enjoyed mentoring those who are sensing a call to go. Since 2007 she has helped in bringing in 10 new members who are all serving on the field.

In 2009 God began calling them back to Africa, Chad to be exact. Jim had been to Chad, the country north of Cameroon, several times during their time in Cameroon. But when the need for someone to fill in at the retirement facility in Tucson came they had to put the call to Chad on hold. But God was still calling and in May 2011 His voice said “Go”. Jim will have a similar role on the compound in N’Djamena, the capital, and help as able those maintenance needs in the village locations. Judy will oversee the guest house and help with member care. Right now they are planning on going in 2012 as soon as all the details are worked out and additional support comes in for travel and living there. Just this month, October, God has raised up someone to take Jim’s place in Tucson and possibly someone for Judy’s role too. “Our times are in His Hands” is their comfort and hope.

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