Friday, August 26, 2011

“Watchmen on the Walls",

Thank you for your prayers. So much has happened this last month we want to catch you up.
We celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary on Aug. 4. Can’t believe we have had so many wonderful years together.
Judy had just returned from spending a week with Jody and Violette in Ashville NC. It was a wonderful bonding time. Now when we Skype she recognizes “Grama”. We both hope to go out next month as this is the last month for flight benefits with Josh’s US Airways job. It has been an awesome perk which we will miss. (Josh is going to Korea to teach English for a year)
Continuing on a personal note:
Pray for Jordan that he can find another Firefighter job. His seasonal job is over. He moved back home with us when we move to the new house.
Pray for Josh to get his visa at Korean embassy in DC next month. Pray it works out for him to come see us one last time before he leaves in Oct.
Praise: Caleb, Jody’s husband, got into grad school in Asheville for Jan. 2012. It is a 2 ½ year program and he won’t be able to work his night position at the hospital. Pray they see God provide for their income these years.
Praise: We are thankful for some, free or nearly free, things we have received for the house; example: vanity with sink for bathroom, above stove micro wave, cabinet for laundry room, and light fixtures. Still a long list of things need finished but we are working most evenings and weekends on them. Two artists in our Adult Bible Fellowship at our church blessed us with a painting and wall mural of San Juan Capistrano Mission in CA. That mission has always been special to Judy as her grandparents lived in that area during her growing up years. We will post pictures when they are finished.
Ministry update:
Wycliffe Retirement Apartments
One of the residents moved in with one of her children and several others are in the process so the numbers are diminishing. Two residents who moved to assisted living this year passed away too. Pray that other retired missionaries who need a community like Mt. Vista will join them. There’s always something to fix so Jim keeps busy. Please begin praying for someone to replace him next Spring.
Wycliffe Recruitment
This month I had several meetings with gals I’ve been working with and several new ones. I’m especially excited about a gal who is a Spanish teacher in town who had an eye opening experience this summer. While visiting a friend in Mexico City, she helped with a group who is bringing food and Jesus to the Popoloca people in Puebla. They collected food donations; vegetables and fruit; since they live in a very arid mountain area and then share the Gospel with them. Next month we are meeting to talk with the translator who did the Popoloca NT. It was completed in 1983. She has a desire to help them learn to read and write their language. Praise God!
Thanks for praying for the merging of Recruitment and Personnel It is going well too. My new supervisor leads us in prayer every Monday via Skype. I really like that as I feel more connected with the other recruiters. Please pray as things continue to get more organized. Pray for the leadership.
Chad Chapter:
Not much has happened since we wrote last. We are still waiting on our change of assignment to be finalized. (Summer vacation time)
But we did sign up for a French class which meets Tues and Thurs evening each week starting Sept 8 till Dec 18. So that is our prayer request too that we will get caught up this semester.

1 comment:

  1. So excited about the Lord leading you to Chad and French again... :) This last year has been a whirlwind. May the Lord continue to renew your strength and purpose. Praying for your family as the Lord brings them to mind.
