Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Please pray with us for the nation of Chad.

How the Whole Story Fits Together
As one Bible storyteller shared his narrative, a predominantly non-Christian audience packed the house in the nation of Chad. More eager listeners leaned in through the open windows to catch every word. A devotee of another religion from the Mawa people noted, “Now I see how the whole story fits together.”
For people like the Mawa who are participating in the Guera Storying Cluster, storytelling is more than just entertainment. Cultural information and valuable traditions are passed on orally to the next generation rather than being recorded in writing. They also teach new ideas through song, drama and dance as well as storytelling.
Because highly accurate oral retelling is so valued in these societies, Bible translators are using the powerful medium of storytelling—called storying—to introduce and spread God’s Word.
The stories provide a powerful bridge of connection with people who aren’t Christians. Although most people in the Guera cluster languages belong to another major religion, they enjoy hearing the Bible stories that have been translated into their language.
At a recent workshop in Chad, a Mawa translator noted, “We share these [Bible] stories when men gather, during feasts and celebrations. They are wonderful stories. People are amazed and they want to hear. The people ask questions and we are able to share salvation.”
“Now we know where to start,” noted a Guera evangelist. “If we share stories from one patriarch, they will come back and ask about the other patriarchs, wanting to hear more.”
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Jim McCabe

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