Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"Is this the best way to do this?"

Here it is, the inner sanctum of the Wycliffe Retirement facility. "The Shop".  I really am excited to get over here and start working! We just need to get our monthly ministry expense quota up to 100% before I can start. Challenges, challenges! We face them ever day. Sometimes boldly! Sometimes in a whimpering mass on the floor. But regardless, face them we must. 

From the "Book of Virtues", by William J. Bennett,     "It Can Be Done"   

Brave people think things through and ask, "Is this the best way to do this?" Cowards, on the other hand, always say, "It can't be done." The man who misses all the fun, Is he who says, "It can't be done." In solemn pride he stands aloof, And greets each venture with reproof. Had he the power he'd efface; The history of the human race; We'd have no radio or motor cars, No streets lit by electric stars; No telegraph nor telephone, We'd linger in the age of stone. The world would sleep if things were run, By men who say, "It can't be done."

I am 110% confident that He (God) who called me to do this task will or has already provided everything I need to complete this task. I also know that He does not normally make the solutions to our needs magically appear. He almost always uses people to make solutions happen. He calls, gifts and enables people to do things. They are the brave people who think things through and ask, "Is this the best way to do this?"  Then take action to solve that question.

"The right angle to approach a difficult problem is the 'Try-angle.'"  from Gods Little Instruction Book: Inspiration and Wisdom for a Happy and Fulfilled Life.

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