Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blessed to be a blessing

Love God, help people, and do what God puts in front of me to do. That's my season of life right now. Don't know that I'm doing a good job at it. But, at least its simple, concise and to the point. Some times I hear the wambalance coming, then I realize its only because I'm being a whiner. ("The Kid" with Bruce Willis) Sometimes I just want some stuff, land, house, truck, dog, etc. The normal American dream. Eventually, it always passes and I remember that God has already given me everything that I need. Which materially means He's keeping us mobile or nomadic. I think He's keeping us free of material goods so we can move quickly at some point. Thats a good thing.... the American Dream can cause one to be tied down. The more things we have the more responsibility we have to take care of and protect those things. Going to Chad is becoming more and more exciting to us. But we do have to buckle down and get our support back up to 100%. Need to get our French back up to par. Then we'd really like to get some Arabic language learning done and some Islamic culture studies completed. Then I'd like to get my Aviation Mechanics certification current. Wycliffe / JAARS has some aircraft in Cameroon I can help maintain part time and MAF has a Cessna Caravan and C206 right there in Chad, I could help maintain. Even at our current material status (low) we are filthy rich compared to 98% of the rest of the world. We have been blessed.... But not for our own enjoyment.... We've been blessed to be a blessing to the rest of the world.... Loving God is the big #1 in life and loving people is the big #2. I think everything God has done for us, His ways of blessing us, I think He has done it so we can pass it on. We are not blessed to hoard it and see how much more we can collect. We're blessed to give it away, and I'm not speaking just materially now. Am I willing, if God calls, to give away everything, absolutely everything in His name and fore His glory? Am I willing to suffer injustice, poverty, sickness, imprisonment if doing so is Gods calling on my life?

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