Monday, August 8, 2011

Remembering what we are here for.

I like this photo. Good contrast between simplicity and complexity. Remember the phrase, "The faster I go the be hinder I get"? Have you noticed that the more we accumulate the more it costs us to exist. It cost more to insure it, to maintain it, to protect it, just to use it. We have to invest more mental and emotional time being concerned about it. Will it do what I hoped, can it hurt someone, will I have to take lesions on using it. Then there is always buyers remorse. Did I get a good deal, should I have spent the money, is it the right color, will my friends think I was dumb for buying it? Then a week after we get it the new model is unveiled and Oh how we wish we had waited. The newer one is so much better.
Its amazing how much effort we put out for our stuff. How many extra work hours we need to put it to pay for it. How much less time we have for what we know is the really important stuff.
The wife and kids. Extended family and friends.The less fortunate all around us.
There is that nagging thing we call our own health. Exercising and eating right.
Then there is the God factor... Could it be that our relationship with God really is the most important thing in our lives? I mean when we stop and remember that this physical life we currently find ourselves in is so short in comparison to the rest of eternity, how does that impact what is important to us?
We remember God in our lives is important. What does that mean on a practical level? How do we get to know God? What does He expect of me? I have my thoughts that I'll tell you later. What are your thoughts? Use the comment box below.
Jim Mc

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